If you insist enough..

Kritika Agarwal
2 min readAug 20, 2022

Life is just a random set of events each with a probability p. Some tiny specks of bliss, the minutes you live for and some other dreadful moments between the thousands of minutes of nothingness. Questions like wassup suck so bad cause you can’t skip to the good parts because some days are just bleh. There are no good parts, none.

But here’s the good news. There are no winners in life. This game sucks so much because even though you could have a picture perfect family, money, status and every else the world cries for, you could still feel shitty inside. And then the world will mock you for your pain, and they will tell you that you have first world problems.

One day you’re the Rakesh Jhunjhunwala of 45k crores net worth which you worked so hard to build, the next day you’re pitied and your stock portfolio goes to shit.

Going by highlights of life I’ve felt excruciating pain from breakups or not getting enough marks or not being the right size, not having the right job. Some other days were pure ecstasy, solo traveling in Thailand where a limo picked me up (cheapest way to feel like a queen) and the feeling that I’ve literally achieved everything my teenage self can think of.

Do you remember the last time you had water thoughtfully? Like you were actually thinking about what the water tastes like and how it feels. That bland taste, that’s what life is to me. Some days the water would be too hot, or too cold or you wouldn’t have time to think how the water is, but some very special days you’ll get to taste the water for what it really is, and it’ll be at the perfect temperature and you’ll just enjoy a glass of water in peace. Life feels worth it in those moments doesn’t it.

The beauty and curse of life is, no matter what you love or insist enough upon, you’ll get it. You’ll have it at least once in your lifetime (as in case of my ex 😛). So the only thing worth insisting upon is no matter how that glass of water tastes today, gulp it down and acknowledge to yourself how it feels and be okay with it. Cause this too shall pass.

If you insist enough, you can feel okay today. No matter how your day has been. Cause the room temperature water is the healthiest option there is 😄



Kritika Agarwal

Software Engineer, Mentor, Blogger, Shitposter, hustling for goals to become history. https://linktr.ee/kritika.agarwal